Self Care Isn’t Selfish - The First 6 Months Of Motherhood
If you were following me on Instagram before I took maternity leave, you’ll know that I used the phrase “self-care isn’t selfish” quite a lot - because it’s true! Taking proper care of yourself is vital (whether you’re a Mother or not). If you aren’t okay, then it’s impossible to show up as your best self in whatever capacity you need to.
I have found even the most basic of self-care really difficult since having a baby as time to myself is virtually non-existent. But whenever I can squeeze even 5 minutes out the day to myself, these are some things that I tend to do.
1. Drinking A Hot Drink
There is just something about a warm drink in hand that makes me feel good. I’m not called Coffee With Cerys for nothing…
If you have a baby I’m sure you know how hard it is to have a hot drink or eat a hot meal, they just seem to know don’t they?! It doesn’t always happen, but when I can I like to finish my day with a hot chocolate (usually while pumping). I don’t tend to have a coffee until either mid-afternoon or sometimes only on the weekend.
When I have a hot chocolate I usually have one using either my Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser (might do a whole blog post on this), or Whittards (click here for a whole blog post on them - might update this soon). I truly am a cosy gal at heart, so getting wrapped up in the evening with a hot chocolate and a bit of TV while I pump is the most relaxing my evenings have been in a while!
2. Listening To A Podcast On A Walk
I go through phases with music and can go weeks without wanting to listen to anything. But one thing that I am always up for is a podcast (here is a list of a few of my favourites, but it definitely needs updating).
I like listening to a long-ish podcast on a walk as I always want to finish it before I walk back home (which encourages me to walk longer). Being out in the fresh air of the park always does me and little man some good too! My current go-to podcasts are either Girls In Marketing or Wrongful Conviction.
3. Having An Extra 5 Minutes In The Shower
Having a shower in peace definitely feels like a luxury since having a baby! I’ve always been one of these people who likes to spend a long time in the shower as it is where my mind is clearest and I do all of my best thinking.
I’d take my time to exfoliate, shave, maybe do an in-shower face mask, hair mask etc for most of my showers. But I barely get the chance to do one of these per shower now. But what I will do is give myself an extra 5 minutes to just let the warm water run over my body and soothe these aching bones.
4. Making Extra Time For Cat Cuddles
Having a baby has been an adjustment for us all, including Mavis! We rescued her just over a year ago (I say rescued, she turned up at my house and yelled at the door until I let her inside and she hasn’t left since…) and she definitely became used to being the baby of the house and the centre of attention. Obviously that all changed when baby boy came along. She spent the first couple of months avoiding him at all costs and wouldn’t even spend any time in the same room as him. Gradually, day-by-day, she is getting better and now lets him stroke her, but it’s still small steps.
So, I obviously make an extra effort to give her some cuddles whenever I can. As I had a ceasarean I couldn’t actually bend down to stroke her for nearly 2 months and she always looked so sad about it. I’d try and encourage her to jump up on the sofa or table so I could reach her, but she didn’t always understand. However, she always came with me to the loo (which she did before anyway), so we spent most of our bonding time in there!
There is something about sticking my face in her fur and hearing her purr that just calms my anxious mind.
5. Drinking Plenty Of Water
Probably the most boring of my list. But getting my daily intake of water has been something I’ve been working on getting better at since being pregnant. I have one of those bottles that holds 2 litres and I generally have 1 or 2 cuppas and sometimes a pop too. I know that’s probably not the best I could be doing as I could be drinking more regular water, but it is so much better than what I used to consume and I definitely feel better for it.
6. Spend Quality Time With My Partner
It’s so common to end up feeling like roommates when you have a baby. Every ounce of your energy goes into caring for them and just trying to survive. You have very little time or energy for romance as any you do have spare you have to give to yourself to help you get through the day.
It took us a few months to get this figured out (that was likely a mixture of us finding our groove with parenting a bit more and little man being a bit older). We’re definitely not in a place where we’re dedicating the full time or energy that we’d ideally like to be, but we’re working on it. Some weeks allow us more than others and we definitely embrace those moments when we can.
I know that it’s not the same for everyone, so I feel very lucky to have a partner who is understanding and loves me no matter what. I would be lost without him!
And currently that’s about it. It’s very very basic, but that’s all I currently have the time for. And I’m okay with that. I’ve always wanted to be a Mam, so I am trying to embrace every second that I can. There’ll be time in the future for nights out, solo adventures and spending the day in bed doing nothing. For now, I’ll stick to my simple self-care and focus on making my little man’s childhood the best it possibly can be.
What’s your go to self-care? Do you prefer simple self-care or do you enjoy spending a full-day indulging yourself (I cannot wait until I get to do this again). Let’s chat in the comments!
Cerys x
If you were following me on Instagram before I took maternity leave, you’ll know that I used the phrase “self-care isn’t selfish” quite a lot - because it’s true! Taking proper care of yourself is vital (whether you’re a Mother or not). If you aren’t okay, then it’s impossible to show up as your best self in whatever capacity you need to.