
Self Care Isn’t Selfish - The First 6 Months Of Motherhood
If you were following me on Instagram before I took maternity leave, you’ll know that I used the phrase “self-care isn’t selfish” quite a lot - because it’s true! Taking proper care of yourself is vital (whether you’re a Mother or not). If you aren’t okay, then it’s impossible to show up as your best self in whatever capacity you need to.

My Love For The Body Shop
If you could see inside my bathroom drawers, you’d be convinced you were actually in The Body Shop…
I’ve been buying The Body Shop products for many many years as *spoiler, I bloody love them!!
If you’ve never heard of The Body Shop, it is a body care and makeup brand with a massive belief in ethically sourced and natural-based ingredients. They have an array of signature products & scents and often introduce new scents for different seasons.

10 Things To Do When You’re Feeling A Bit Shit
Your mental health is so important, always. But this is always highlighted even more so every World Mental Health Day (which is today).
It’s so easy to focus on mental health as just being the diagnosed conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety etc.). Obviously, it’s vital that you look after yourself if you do have these and speak to a health professional if you think that you might. But everyone has mental health, and everyone needs to look after theirs.

Self-Care Tips For When You Don’t Feel Like A Pamper
I’ve said this so many times before, but self-care isn’t just doing a face mask, having a bath & drinking a cup of tea (although I do love doing this). Sometimes the best form of self-care is doing those tasks that you keep putting off. You know that once you do them, you can stop worrying. But for whatever reason you just continue to put them off.

11 Books On My 2022 TBR Pile
I annoy myself with the number of books on my bookshelf that I really want to read and haven’t yet – so I apologise if that annoys you too!
Getting a good book and a cuppa and cosying up on the corner of the sofa is one of my favourite self-care activities to do. But I just don’t give myself the time to do it – so hopefully this will help!
So, I thought that I would create a list of books currently sitting on my bookshelf (and some in my Amazon wish list) that I would really like to finally read this year – feel free to hold me accountable and check if I have been reading!

7 Affirmations For The New Year
How many times have you set yourself resolutions on the first week in January, only to have stopped doing them within a week? This then often leads you to feeling demotivated, negative, and like you’ve failed. By attempting to set yourself up for having a good year, it typically ends up ‘going bad’. This is where the mind shift of having affirmations for the new year is more positive.

How To Give Yourself Self-Care At Christmas
We often put so much pressure on ourselves at Christmas & New Year to go to all the parties & special events and see every single family member & friend. But it’s still so important to look after yourself at this time of year to avoid burnout.

Making My Heart Happy In Edinburgh
If you’re following me on Instagram, then you’ll know that I spent my birthday week in Edinburgh. I had the most amazing time, it made my heart happy, and my mental health was the best it’s been for a long while (who knew taking proper time to relax was good for you…?).
So, I wanted to write a blog post about everything I got up to while in Edinburgh – from the food, to the places I visited, and everything in between. I love travelling, so definitely want to do more of it!

My Top Picks On Netlfix – September 2021
How has it taken me this long to write another Netflix round-up? For a lass who is constantly watching something that’s poor effort – so I’m sorry! I love sitting and watching Netflix in the evening over food, so I definitely need to write more of these.

How To Give Yourself Self-Care During Your Period
There are various reasons why we sometimes just need that extra bit of self-care. During your period is a great time do to it as your body is wanting to take it slow and to just get through it.
Realistically, we can’t take the whole week off every time we have a period (although sometimes I would love to). But that doesn’t mean that we have to sit and suffer while we go about our everyday lives.

The Ultimate Movie Night Essentials
If you’ve been reading my blog/following me on Instagram for a while, you may know that I am a big fan of a movie night. I love being cosy and, for me, movie nights are one of the cosiest things.
When I’m needing self-care, I love getting wrapped up and losing myself in a good film or series.

4 Self-Discipline Tips For When You’re Lazy
At first glance at this blog post, you may find it a bit odd. Why, on a blog where I promote that it’s okay to be lazy, am I writing a post about how not to be? As much as I am all for being lazy and listening to your body more – sometimes, we just have shit to do.

Shout-Out To The BEST Cookies Ever!!
Lockdown was a strange experience. But one positive that came out for me personally, was that I fell in love with baking again. I planned on baking a range of different things to try and keep me occupied; however, after baking these cookies, they’re all I baked…!

My All-Time Favourite Pixar Movies
After writing about ‘My All-Time Favourite Disney Movies’, I obviously knew that I had to write about my favourite Pixar movies!
I will admit though that I feel like a fake fan…I didn’t realise how few Pixar movies there actually is! This list could just contain every single Pixar movie. However, I tried my hardest to cut it down. Plus, there are still a couple that I’m yet to watch…

My All-Time Favourite Disney Movies
For my first blog post for ‘Disney Month’ I thought I’d go straight in with my all-time favourite Disney movies.
This list could literally just list every single Disney movie that I’ve ever watched – but I tried hard to narrow it down…a little bit…

Why & How You Should Take A Social Media Break
Taking a break from social media and technology in general is super important for our mental health & life in general. It’s so easy to get distracted by the internet and not concentrate on spending time with the people around you or yourself.

5 Tips For A Better Night’s Sleep
Sleep is so important – yet I know that lots of people don’t have the best night’s sleep (me included).
My sleeping needs are very different to my other half, so that does have a negative impact on my quality of sleep – but it is something that I am working on changing and improving.
So, here are tips on how you can have a better night’s sleep – let’s work on this together.

Why We Should Choose Passion Over Perfection
So, let’s talk about choosing passion over perfection.
During lockdown so many people have turned their hobbies into a business, and I think that it’s incredible!! If you love your hobby enough to take it full-time and start earning money – to me that’s absolutely amazing! However, I do sometimes feel that there is a sense of pressure that if you’re good at something you must start selling it and making money – because money is the only thing worth doing anything for… Obviously, if you want to pursue your hobbies and make money from it – then definitely go for it! But if you want to keep your hobby as a hobby then do it!

10 Books That I Read In 2020
For the last few years, I haven’t been making new year’s resolutions as I never stick to them and end up feeling rubbish about it. Instead, I have been trying to create little goals of things that I want to improve or incorporate into my life. Last year I gave myself the goal of reading 12 books (1 a month). This may not seem like much, but I just never give myself enough time to read – even though I love reading!

8 Podcasts That Got Me Through 2020
I’ve listened to podcasts on and off for a few years – but it wasn’t until the end of 2019 and all throughout 2020 that I properly started listening to them.
For the majority of lockdown, I only saw about 4 people; so, I felt like listening to people talk on podcasts made me feel less lonely. That’s probably a bit sad, but it’s true*laughing They’re easy to listen to when you’re commuting, doing housework and just about anything – especially if you don’t feel like listening to music.