
Newborn To 6-month Baby Essentials
Babies…they need a lot of stuff!!
I’d done so much research before my little one was born as to what you did need and what you didn’t and what just made life with a baby that bit easier. Some things we love, some things we don’t and some things we discovered along the way as we learnt more about his personality and what he likes/dislikes.

Why Do I Create Content?
I have started this new year feeling quite reflective. I have been looking back at decisions I have made in my life and why I made them. We all make mistakes in life and maybe have a few regrets. But every decision I have made has led me to where I am right now (specifically sat at my desk writing this blog post) and I am happy about that.

9 Of My Favourite Blog Posts of 2021
Obviously, I love every single blog post that I write. I wouldn’t share content that I wasn’t happy with/didn’t believe in. However, these 9 in particular continue to bring me joy in one way or another.

9 Things That Make Me Feel Good At Christmas & New Year
Christmas is my favourite time of year! There are so many reasons why I love Christmas (which I’ll talk about in this post) but no matter how the festive season goes, it always makes me feel warm & fuzzy.
In terms of New Year, I still feel like this is part of the festive season and its often another reason to spend time with loved ones and all the other things that I love about Christmas.

What I’ll Be Wearing This Autumn/Winter - 2021
The clothes that I wear have a big impact on my mood and how I feel about myself. When I put on an outfit that makes me feel amazing, it instantly boosts my mood. It doesn’t need to be a particularly snazzy or sexy outfit – I can chuck on my favourite loungewear and feel great if that’s my mood for the day.

The Best Small Shops To Buy From This Christmas
With Christmas just around the corner I knew that I wanted to do a big gift guide. However, there are so many amazing businesses out there that I struggled to narrow it down. So, I decided to make a directory of sorts and create one big list of some amazing small businesses!

10 Brands I’ve Been Lusting After
There are so many incredible sounding brands that it can sometimes feel overwhelming. I love shopping, but I also enjoy supporting people’s businesses – so I thought I would create a post about 10 brands that I’ve been lusting after recently. Some of these brands I have tried products from, but I want to try more!

Adulting Is Hard: Tips To Make Friends In Your 20’s
Making friends as an adult compared to when you’re a child are two completely different experiences. As a child I remember so many situations where one child would go up to another, announce that they were now friends and that was that – friendship created! I’m not so sure that this would go down as well as an adult…

Long Distance Friendship Stories & Advice
Something that has been on my mind a lot recently is “when am I going to see my friends & family again?” I’ve been long-distance with my family & friends since I moved to Liverpool for university nearly 5 years ago (& my boyfriend for a period of time). And even though I definitely don’t see them all enough, the lockdowns have made it even more difficult.
So, I asked some lovely ladies that I know about their experiences of long-distance friendships – so, here are their stories.

My Ultimate Disney Bucket List
It’s always been my dream to visit all of the Disney Parks around the world. Each park has its own amazing experiences, food and Disney goodness and I would just love to see it all (a girl can dream right?).
So, I thought I would write down my bucket list and put it out into the universe.

Adding Some Disney Magic To My Everyday Wardrobe
I wouldn’t describe my style as fashionable – but I do enjoy using clothes as a way to express how I am feeling. And if I am feeling rubbish, I love putting on an outfit that makes me feel great & look great as it instantly helps to boost my mood.
So, I have been thinking about how I can add more fun and happiness into my everyday style. Adding pops of colour or pattern to an outfit is always something that I’ve enjoyed doing and I also love a graphic tee – so I decided to combine both and try to incorporate other things that I love and enjoy into my clothing. And this is where Disney comes in.

Starting Again? Re-introduction To Me & My Blog
Oh hello! I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on both myself and my blog recently, and I’ve had some new followers, so wanted to re-introduce myself and what I’m planning for this blog.

Reflecting On My University Experience - 1 Year On
Get yourself a coffee and a comfy seat, this is a long one…😂
So, this is a little late but, I’VE GRADUATED!
I graduated in July (2019), but I still can’t quite believe it! To be completely honest, I felt a bit lost after I finished uni – no more structure, no more deadlines, no more seeing loads of people – it was weird. But I’ve spoken to other ex-students about it and most of them feel the same – even after graduating 10 years go.
But that’s not what this post is about. I wanna talk to you about my whole uni experience – from living with strangers, to partying (or lack of in my case), to assignments, to just general everyday student life.

How Do I Feel About Blogging Again?
I’m feeling a bit sentimental, so I thought I would write a post reflecting on how I feel about blogging again. I’d originally planned to do this once I’d been blogging for 6 months – but I’ve decided that I want to do it now. But I do plan on doing another one at 6 months and going more in depth and talking and specific blog posts etc. Is there anything that you’d like me to include in that post? Let me know.

The Ultimate Gift Guide
There’s many a gift guide for specific occasions such as Christmas, birthdays and Valentines. But have you ever wanted to get someone something just because? I know that life isn’t about presents or material items. However, I love making people smile with an unsuspecting gift or card. So, I thought I would gather a list of ideas that would make great gifts for anyone, at any time of year, for any occasion. I think this is also a great idea for during lockdown. I know that it’s being lifted in some areas – but most of us haven’t seen some of closest people in a while. So, sending them something to make them smile is never a bad idea.
This is just kind of a general list of ideas. But I hope that it gives you some inspiration.

3 Ways to Style A Denim Boiler Suit
I have completely fallen in love with this denim boiler suit from Primark. But I wasn’t always so convinced. For months before I bought it, I saw so many people wearing some sort of denim boiler suit and I always thought that they looked great. However, because I’m short and curvy, I didn’t think that it would suit me. But one day while I was browsing Primark, I decided to try one on and ended up loving it.
So, I thought I would create this post to hopefully give you some styling inspiration. I have styled the boiler suit 3 ways – casual, lunch with the girls and out-out. All of these outfits can be worn for any occasion, this is just some inspiration. Also, all of the pieces are items that I already had in my wardrobe – a bit of a shop my stash. Happy reading.

My New Blogging Space
Ever since I made the decision that I wanted to get back into blogging, I knew that I needed a dedicated area for all of my notebooks and planning. I was happy enough just to borrow half of the dining table and have a shelf for my stuff.

Moving On
Hello Stranger!
Well this is new. How’re you liking the new location? I’ve always loved the SquareSpace adverts and love the different design options. So, after months of research and lots of back and forth, I made the plunge and moved from WordPress to SquareSpace. Due to the popularity of a number of posts over on TwentyNothings, that blog shall remain. However, I have posted some of my favourite posts right here too; so please go and check them out.

My Travel Bucket List
I’ve always wanted to travel and am forever dreaming of all the adventures that I want to go on. So, I have compiled a bucket list of the current places that I want to go to for those of you interested and to try and motivate myself to get off my ass and do things.

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Anyone who knows me knows that Christmas is my favourite time of year. I love the lights, the atmosphere, the shopping, the food (especially the food) and the fact that it brings people together.