10 Things To Do When You’re Feeling A Bit Shit

Your mental health is so important, always. But this is always highlighted even more so every World Mental Health Day (which is today).

It’s so easy to focus on mental health as just being the diagnosed conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety etc.). Obviously, it’s vital that you look after yourself if you do have these and speak to a health professional if you think that you might. But everyone has mental health, and everyone needs to look after theirs.

In true lazy gal style, I try and get the maximum benefits with minimal effort when it comes to self-care. As much as I love spending hours having a relaxing bath, pampering myself with all of the products and cosying up with Netflix and my favourite food and a cuppa – I usually don’t have the time. I instead do little self-care tasks more frequently and they help me get through each day.

So, here are 10 things to do when you’re feeling a bit shit!

1.      Allow Yourself To Feel & Acknowledge What Is Making You Feel Shit
When we’re feeling shit, it’s so easy for us to just try and fix it and move on, rather than acknowledge the negative feelings and work out how to properly get through. There’s still so much negativity around crying and feeling your feelings. You just get “stop wallowing” or “there’s no need to cry”. If that’s how you need to process what’s going on in your life, then do it!

I am a crier. I cry about everything – happy, sad, angry, frustrated, scared, no matter the emotion, I cry. But I also think about what is making me cry and allow myself to feel the emotions of the situation as you can’t truly process a situation and move on if you don’t acknowledge what has happened.

2.      Take A Deep Breath
Sometimes we just dive right into something without taking a moment to just breath.

This links to the situation above. We’re often so busy doing, that we forget to just take a moment. When emotions are high, we don’t always think logically and just rush into doing the next thing.

Before I do anything, I have to take a deep breath and ensure that I am calm and focussed. This comes from being a very anxious person, but I find it makes a massive difference to my overall feelings. Allowing yourself to take in the moment and prepare your mind before taking on anything is super helpful!

3.      Give Yourself Time
Whatever it is that is making you feel bad likely can’t be solved or worked through quickly. Therefore, your emotions and how you deal with it won’t happen quickly either.

Some things may have an impact on us for the rest of our lives – there’s no timeline when it comes to emotions and grief. They shape us into who we are and who we’re becoming. Give yourself all of the time that you need to feel and process your emotions and whatever it is that’s caused them, big or small. You are deserving of the love and patience that you give to other people.  

4.      Surround Yourself With Your Favourite Things/People
For me, a cuppa and a Disney film fixes (almost) anything. When you’re struggling, it can feel so isolating, like you’re the only one going through it. It sometimes feels easier to lock yourself away from the ones you love and just be by yourself with nothing – but that’s not helpful. Your loved ones around you genuinely care about you and want you to be happy. They will support you on your bad days, as well as your good – you just have to let them. And that comfort film that you’ve watched millions of times, but makes your heart happy, is there for you too! It’s not easy, but it's important to remember that you are not alone.

5.      Read Helpful & Supportive Posts (Like This One)
If you can acknowledge how you’re feeling, you’re one step closer to figuring out how you can get yourself through. But sometimes, we are unsure what we could and should do to help us feel better. That’s why it’s super important to follow creators who share helpful and supportive content (hopefully like this one). Reading a post that tells you that everything is going to be alright is sometimes the boost we need to keep going and can help make us feel less alone.

So, whether you decide to read a blog post or an Instagram caption or a LinkedIn post or anything in between. It’s important to remember that you are not alone.

6.      Remove Yourself From The Negative Situation (Where Possible)
This isn’t always possible, but I know for me I can be so wrapped up in a situation that I can’t think straight. By stepping outside or just away from what has triggered the feeling in general, it can help re-focus my mind & think about my next steps.

7.      Get That Annoying Task Done
Sometimes the best form of self-care is doing that task that you’ve been putting off. Whether it’s doing the dishes, sorting that pile of laundry, sending that important email, having that difficult conversation – whatever it is, just do it. Often the feelings you have about doing it are worse than actually doing it. And it means that you can stop thinking about it and start thinking about more important things – the things that make you happy!

8.      Compliment Yourself
If you’re like me, then whenever you’re having a bad day, you end up being negative about yourself. Why is it that when we’re already feeling down, we decide to make it worse? But being kind to yourself is so important!! If you’ve never tried it before, start small and simple. Whether you look in the mirror and find something physical to compliment or if you go deeper and look at your personality – the difference it can make is massive! It may feel silly at first, but as you make it a consistent habit, you’ll start to notice the benefits. So, go on, stop reading for a second and give yourself a compliment! And if you’d like, share your compliment in the comments below!

9.      Stop The Scroll
As mentioned, when you’re feeling a bit shit it’s so easy to compare yourself to others. We end up scrolling through social media and getting hung up on all of the positivity and perfectly posed photos. Stop. Like most people, they’re probably just sharing their best bits and keeping their shit days off socials. There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you remember that’s what you’re consuming. There are creators out there who also share their bad days, so maybe follow them too for a dose of realism. But also remember to stop just doom-scrolling, put your phone down and focus on you.

10.  Move Your Body
I don’t think I’ve ever read any self-care content that doesn’t suggest moving your body – and there’s a reason for it. I don’t love exercise, so I’m not going to suggest going to the gym or going for a run as I wouldn’t do them myself. But what I do enjoy doing is putting on a cheesy playlist and having a boogie around my house (and sometimes at my desk in work).

Moving your body takes your mind off of what is going on and allows you to release the negativity. And who doesn’t love a good ol’ shimmy?!

Bonus – Have That Ultimate Self-Care Day
Of course, if you have enough time & energy and you want to do something more, having a big self-care day is always a good idea! You could combine all of the above points, throw in a bath with lots of bubbles and an early night and that would be big dose of self-care!

So, this World Mental Health Day, let’s make a promise to ourselves that we’ll take better care of ourselves, especially when life is being extra tough. Even the smallest acts of kindness to ourselves makes a huge difference. You are worthy of the love that you continue to give to others.

Cerys x

Resources - here are some great mental health resources and support.

Mind, NHS, Young Minds, Sean’s Place - and so many more. Search Google for support in your area.


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Cerys Roberts

Hello! I’m Cerys, a Welsh lass currently residing in the wonderful city of Liverpool. Join me for a cuppa and a natter. My content is the “lazy girls’ guide to self-acceptance, self-care and empowerment”.

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