7 Affirmations For The New Year
New year new you? Nah me neither!
I like the idea of using the new year to focus my mind on things that I want to do, but I’m not about trying to completely change myself and set unrealistic goals. For that reason, in this post I will be talking about setting positive affirmations instead of resolutions.
How many times have you set yourself resolutions on the first week in January, only to have stopped doing them within a week? This then often leads you to feeling demotivated, negative, and like you’ve failed. By attempting to set yourself up for having a good year, it typically ends up ‘going bad’. This is where the mind shift of having affirmations for the new year is more positive.
So, what is a positive affirmation? They are “positive phrases or statements used to challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts” (source). Saying your hopes, dreams and goals into the universe puts no pressure on yourself or your mind. Even if you decide that you want to give yourself small tasks in order to help you achieve those affirmations, that’s a much more positive and attainable way to look at the year.
Here are some of my positive affirmations for 2022. Are yours similar? Or have you got completely different goals for the year? Let me know in the comments below.
1. I start the new year, and every day, sending and receiving love & peace
2. I choose to find happiness in every single day
3. I feel healthy, fit, and full of energy
4. I make plans, visualise my goals, and move towards accomplishing them
5. I am optimistic about what’s to come
6. This year will be full of positive changes, and I am ready to welcome them with open arms
7. I am powerful. I am consistent. I am strong. I am open-minded. I am in control. I am enough.

One wonderful way to visualise those affirmations is to create a vision board. I loved creating mine and currently have it as my iPad wallpaper so I can be reminded of the positive energy every day. I’d love to see yours – so please share them on Instagram and tag me!
And let me know your positive affirmations for the new year in the comments below.
Cerys x
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