
10 Things To Do When You’re Feeling A Bit Shit
Your mental health is so important, always. But this is always highlighted even more so every World Mental Health Day (which is today).
It’s so easy to focus on mental health as just being the diagnosed conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety etc.). Obviously, it’s vital that you look after yourself if you do have these and speak to a health professional if you think that you might. But everyone has mental health, and everyone needs to look after theirs.

7 Tips For An Organised Mind
After the popularity of my recent procrastination post, and people asking about some of the tips that I mentioned, I thought that I would create this post about how I stay organised.
When it comes to work, I’m always super organised. I work as a receptionist in a youth club and always bring in my own notebook to write pretty much everything down. My colleagues find it funny, but it’s come in handy when we all forget any passwords or other important notes😂 I have terrible memory, so if I didn’t write things down I would never get anything done or remember to pass on messages to the right people😂