It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Edited April 2020
Anyone who knows me knows that Christmas is my favourite time of year. I love the lights, the atmosphere, the shopping, the food (especially the food) and the fact that it brings people together.
I’ve managed to do a few Christmassy things this year. Firstly, Christmas shopping in Cheshire Oaks. Although it always makes me nervous, I love buying gifts for people. Finding things that you know they’ll love and the look on their faces when you give it to them always gives me joy. Sometimes, it’s the littlest of things that mean the most.
On the note of Cheshire Oaks, Matt and I went to one of the restaurants there called Giraffe. I’d been there once before, and although I remembered that the food was good, I forgot how good. Matt still talks about how amazing his lamb tagine was (which I’m not denying as it was incredible). So, if you’re ever up that way, I 100% recommend it. It may be worth booking a table like we did, as it can get very busy very quickly and a number of people had to be turned away.
It was also decided that I was going to help decorate my friends Christmas tree and I had so much fun. It was a cosy night with tree decorating, Christmas music, great food and the I’m A Celebrity final. Definitely one of my most enjoyed nights of the year.
But my favourite thing every year is always the Christmas Markets. I just bloody love them! They always make me feel extra Christmassy and I love it. I even got to try a Yorkshire pudding wrap this year and man it was good!!
I did manage to get the wrap everywhere though…
I feel very lucky to be able to spend time with those that I love and be able to do things that I love. But not everyone is that lucky.
I read an article recently that stated that over half a million elderly people will be alone this Christmas. Personally, I think that’s heart-breaking and a figure that majorly needs decreasing.
And then there’s people who are estranged from their families, or they’re in a different country, or those that are homeless; or some people just aren’t comfortable being in that kind of setting. And that’s okay. No one should ever feel forced or obligated to do anything that they don’t want to.
I found a great article about dealing with being on your own at Christmas.
But since Christmas is the time for giving, why don’t you do something for someone who isn’t as lucky as you?
Crisis At Christmas is an amazing charity that helps homeless people at Christmas. You could donate money or even volunteer your time. They have several locations around the UK including London and Edinburgh and for the first time South Wales will be taking part too.
Or you could simply write a Christmas card to someone who is alone. It might be the exact pick-me-up that they need.
Or maybe if you know someone in your own family that is going to be alone; give them a call or a text to let them know that you’re thinking of them.
Sometimes it really is the littlest of things that make the biggest difference to people’s lives.
There are so many amazing charities out there who support those that are alone at Christmas and animal charities for those poor animals who have been abandoned at Christmas. With an abundance of information online, I’m sure you’ll find someone that you want to help.
So, while you’re enjoying your Christmas, spare a thought to those out there that aren’t.
If anyone ever needs anything, as always you are more than welcome to message me, and I will do what I can to help.
Merry Christmas Everyone!