
10 Ways To Improve Your Mood Without Spending A Penny
Life can be a bit shit sometimes right? Especially the last few months. There’s so many things that you can do to cheer yourself up when you’re feeling like this. So, I’ve created a list of ten things that you can do to help cheer yourself up and without having to spend a money! Enjoy!

My Love For Whittard’s Hot Chocolate
If you love hot chocolate, but haven’t heard of Whittard’s, then this is the post for you!
Whittard Chelsea has quite an interesting history (which you can read about here 1). But in summary it was created in 1886 by Walter Whittard where he would sell coffee and tea related products. Since then, they have increased their stock and now offer a range of products. This includes; tea, coffee, hot chocolate, tableware and barista equipment.
To add, this isn’t the cheapest brand, but it does make a lovely treat and would make great gifts (they also do their own gift sets).

My Go-To Recipe Books
I love using recipe books. Whether I follow them exactly or use them for inspiration. My boyfriend and I have also been really good lately at planning our meals (especially during lockdown). So, I thought I would share some of our most used recipe books and our favourite recipes from each. I currently don’t really have any photos of the actual food that we’ve made as I’m typically too excited about eating the food to remember. But I will try and add photos for these recipes the next time that we make them. Hopefully you can take some inspiration from this post and create some delicious meals yourself. If you do, be sure to share them with me on Instagram. Use the hashtag #coffeewithcerys and you may see your post in my monthly newsletter (coming soon) or on my Instagram stories.

How To Deal With Sadness
Some of you may have noticed that I went MIA for a few weeks (if you didn’t, thanks…). The reason for this is because I was grieving the death of my Uncle; who was a very important person in my life.