
Let’s Talk About Boobs…Again
Self-Care Cerys Roberts Self-Care Cerys Roberts

Let’s Talk About Boobs…Again

If you know me, then you’ll likely know that I talk about boobs a lot. I’ve struggled with body confidence throughout my life and always had such a negative view of most of my body. However, I’ve pretty much always loved my boobs🧡

Whether you have big boobs, small boobs, perky boobs saggy boobs – whatever your boobs are like they’re great! And I’m yet to find anyone that disagrees😂

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Let’s Talk About Boobs
Self-Care Cerys Roberts Self-Care Cerys Roberts

Let’s Talk About Boobs

If you’ve ever had a conversation with me, there’s a high chance that we would have spoken about my boobs. Whether I bring them up, someone else does, or they’re brought up a different way; my boobs are often a part of my everyday conversations.

Everyone has some sort of ‘boobage’, it’s just women’s that are typically discussed more. Whether they’re “too big” or “too small” or “too” something else, someone always has something to say about someone else’s boobs.

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