
My Top Picks On Netlfix – September 2021
How has it taken me this long to write another Netflix round-up? For a lass who is constantly watching something that’s poor effort – so I’m sorry! I love sitting and watching Netflix in the evening over food, so I definitely need to write more of these.

My Top Picks On Netflix - June 2020
I watch Netflix most days, so I thought that it was only right that I do an update on my favourite shows. I will likely end up doing one every few months as Netflix are forever switching up their content and I absolutely love it. I also thought that it may be helpful as we’re still in lockdown. If I’m honest, quite a lot of this is actually things that I have binged during lockdown…

My Top Picks On Netflix - September 2018
As uni is starting on Monday I have been preparing everything that I need in the hope of having a successful year. However, I know that there will be several days that I just spend curled up in bed watching Netflix. So, I thought that I would compile a list of my current favourite shows/films on Netflix (this will probably be done in several parts). I’m also more than happy to receive recommendations for anything else that I should watch.