
Career Or Children? Which Should You Choose?
Throughout my time in education I was so often asked about future career plans and the prospect of starting a family – and this is often asked in the form of making a choice. Will I pursue a career, or will I start a family? It never seemed to be offered as a joint package.
So, let’s talk about that. Personally, do I want a career, or do I want children? The answer…

A Letter To My Younger Self
I’m not sure which specific aged Cerys I’m writing to. But I guess it’ll be relevant for 1-year old Cerys to 21-year old Cerys (I know that I’m currently 21, but I change and grow every day and always need a boost). I’m sure that I’ll look back on this letter in years to come and still say the same things to myself.
The way that I’ve one this is just by being sat by myself with some breakfast and YouTube and just writing down all of the thoughts and feelings that come to mind – hoping that some of it will be semi-coherent. So here goes…

How I’m Learning To Love Myself
I’ve never been confident about how I look. I’ve always had at least one thing that I’m insecure about and it would constantly play on my mind. I know that basically everyone has insecurities about their bodies and how they look; but that doesn’t make it healthy.
It’s so important that we learn to love and appreciate our bodies; no matter who you are or what you look like. Self-love is vital.

The Life Of Dating…From Someone Who’s Never Actually Dated Anyone
Growing up, I never dated anyone or had any sort of “proper relationship”. But it didn’t really bother me that much.
Going on a night out with the girls often consisted of flirting with some guys. But it typically just ended up in creating a bigger group to drink, dance and have fun with.
It wasn’t until I had finished my first year of uni that I went on an actual date (and I’ve currently only been on three altogether).