
6 Books By Female Authors To Read ASAP
I’m trying to get better at reading. I really enjoy it when I’m doing it, but I just never give myself the time – but I’m working on that.
This list could have also been so much longer! But I wanted to share these 6 with you first and try and be realistic with what I will be able to read. I’m also usually drawn to interesting, bright, and colourful front covers – which you will see from the list below.

20 Female Creators To Support This International Women’s Day
This list could have been so much longer, but I think 20 is a great number for now. These women are absolutely incredible for so many reasons and I definitely recommend that you follow them all. This blog post includes bloggers, YouTubers, Podcasters, Instagrammers and extra fabulous ladies!

7 Films/TV Shows With Badass Female Characters
If you’ve been reading my blog or following my Instagram for a while, you’ll know that I love watching movies and TV.
So, for my first post of Women’s History Month I’m celebrating those on screen. These are all ones that I’ve watched and loved and that’s why I’m recommending them. I’m also including a few that I haven’t watched but have heard great things about. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments below.

Small Business Christmas Gift Guide 2020
If you’ve been anywhere on social media recently, you’ll likely have seen lots of posts promoting the idea of “shopping small” this Christmas. I definitely shop small when I can as I love quirky, individual and personalised pieces. Not On The High Street and Etsy are usually the first place that I search for any kind of gift – even for myself. They are filled with amazing small businesses and I want to share some of the small businesses that I have found with you lovely people.

7 Inspiring Blogs You Need To Follow
As a blogger, I thought it was about time to support some of my fellow bloggers and write a post about some of my current favourites. Some of these blogs I’ve followed for ages, and others are recent. But they’re all absolutely amazing!!
So, enjoy reading and don’t forget to go over and give them all some love *heart

The Best On Instagram Right Now
*in my humble opinion
Instagram is probably my favourite social media. It’s easy to use, pleasing to look at and filled with photos of interesting people and gorgeous places. Although I do have to admit that recently I’ve spent more time unfollowing accounts on Instagram rather than following. I definitely want to mix up my feed a bit more.

8 Women Who Inspire Me
I originally wrote this post over on my old blog – so it may be slightly familiar to some of you. However, I have updated it with some more amazing women who inspire me. Female empowerment and women supporting women is so important to me!
There can be so much negativity in the world, so I thought I would try and bring some positivity and amazing women to my little corner of the internet. So please enjoy.

My Biggest Fears
Since we’ve just celebrated Halloween, I thought that it was only appropriate to talk about fears. Some of them are basic and some of them are a bit deep.
If anyone has any fears that they want to share, please comment below.

Quick Shout-Out To Those I Love
Some people suggest that I live two lives since I have my family home in Wales, but also live in Liverpool for uni (and I am still here nearly a year after finishing). And I actually kinda agree with them. I’m not a particularly different person in either location, but I do have very different friends and we do different things when we hang out.