
4 Self-Discipline Tips For When You’re Lazy
At first glance at this blog post, you may find it a bit odd. Why, on a blog where I promote that it’s okay to be lazy, am I writing a post about how not to be? As much as I am all for being lazy and listening to your body more – sometimes, we just have shit to do.

How To Put Off Procrastination
I’d just like to mention that I procrastinated A LOT while writing this post as I ended up looking at crime stories – I blame Bailey Sarian as I was watching her at the same time (see previous blog post). Plus, I definitely procrastinated doing it for reasons that will be mentioned in this post.
Let’s just start by saying that I know a lot of people procrastinate. It’s just something that we as people do. So, I thought I would do some research into the subject so we can delve into why we procrastinate. I definitely learnt a lot about myself writing this post.