
Moving On
Extras Cerys Roberts Extras Cerys Roberts

Moving On

Hello Stranger!

Well this is new. How’re you liking the new location? I’ve always loved the SquareSpace adverts and love the different design options. So, after months of research and lots of back and forth, I made the plunge and moved from WordPress to SquareSpace. Due to the popularity of a number of posts over on TwentyNothings, that blog shall remain. However, I have posted some of my favourite posts right here too; so please go and check them out.

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My 21st Birthday
Extras Cerys Roberts Extras Cerys Roberts

My 21st Birthday

I’d like to begin this post by thanking everyone that made my 21st birthday special. Whether you were with me to celebrate, gave me a card or even wished me a happy birthday on Facebook, it all meant a lot to me.

I’d originally planned to write about all of the funny stories and chats that we had. But, honestly, I think that it’s better to keep them between those that were there. However, I will share a few things and some funny photos that I’m more than happy to share…enjoy!

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