
11 Disney Small Shops That I’ve Been Lusting After
As some of you may know, I had a Disney World trip planned for last September. Obviously, that never went ahead. But I’d spent so much time adding products (mainly ears) to my wish list for this trip, that I have decided to create a big ol’ list for you lovely people!
There are a range of shops in this list, from those that make accessories, ear and even art. Lots of the shops do a variety of products, but I have categorised them by what they’re most known for/their products that I love the most.

Small Business Christmas Gift Guide 2020
If you’ve been anywhere on social media recently, you’ll likely have seen lots of posts promoting the idea of “shopping small” this Christmas. I definitely shop small when I can as I love quirky, individual and personalised pieces. Not On The High Street and Etsy are usually the first place that I search for any kind of gift – even for myself. They are filled with amazing small businesses and I want to share some of the small businesses that I have found with you lovely people.