
My Travel Bucket List
I’ve always wanted to travel and am forever dreaming of all the adventures that I want to go on. So, I have compiled a bucket list of the current places that I want to go to for those of you interested and to try and motivate myself to get off my ass and do things.

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls
My boyfriend came up with the name of this blog post…I’m so sorry…
Last weekend I took a trip to North Wales to spend a long weekend with my boyfriend and his family & friends. I wanted to learn more about where he lives and just appreciate being back in the Welsh countryside as I miss it so much (I know that I’m from the South and I was in the North, but it was close enough).

Weekend Away In North Wales
Yes, I actually went somewhere.
I’d sort of pre-planned this blog post as I knew that I was going for a little weekend away with my boyfriend to a cottage in North Wales. However, we spent most of the weekend in the hot tub, so this post isn’t going to be filled with loads of adventure like I’d initially thought. But I’m writing about it anyway as I still had an amazing time and would recommend the place to any couples looking for a break away from the norm.