Coffee With Cerys

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Finding My Style Postpartum

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I’d hoped that this post would be filled with me styling different outfits that I’ve been wearing in my 6 months postpartum. But truthfully I’ve spent most of my time in pyjamas or scruffy loungewear. 

My body hasn’t “bounced back” like society suggested it should (I didn’t think it would), so a lot of my wardrobe doesn’t fit me. As much as I believe that your clothes should fit you and you shouldn’t spend your life holding onto clothes that don’t fit in the hope that you can get into them again; I don’t have the funds to purchase a whole new wardrobe. Especially when my body is constantly changing & fluctuating every single day. I will definitely be looking on Vinted for some bargains as I do love wearing clothes that make me feel good - it’s an instant mood booster for me.

So, here are some outfits that I would wear if I did more than baby classes/stay in the house/laps around the park… 

*I am currently breastfeeding, so these outfits take this into consideration.

Coffee Shop

The second I saw this top on H&M I knew I had to style it. I love it’s smart casual style, with the hint of feminine with the frill. Maybe not the best colour for me to wear to a coffee shop as I will inevitably spill something on myself, but that’s a risk I am willing to take!

I have styled it with a pair of blue wide leg jeans as I just love how they look. Although I don’t currently fit into any of my jeans, I am sure they will continue to be a style that I gravitate towards.

I’ve always been a sucker for a bit of red as I really like how it looks on me (at least once a week I think about dying my hair red again…). So, I knew I wanted to add a pop of red with the bag and shoes (depending on the occasion, I’d also potentially add a red lip).

I have been loving this shape of bag for everyday as it’s so easy to grab whatever you need and they fit so much in! I’ve also been wanting a pair of red high-top Converse for the longest time and these ones are extra cute!

Pub Lunch

At least 3 times a week I say that I want a pub lunch…! So I’ve obviously already been thinking about what I’d like to wear. I’ve always loved a midi dress and this one has buttons down the front which is fab for breastfeeding!

I’ve been eyeing up these Doc Martin sandals for YEARS! But my feet are so sensitive that the thought of paying to have my feet in pain just puts me off. If anyone knows of any dupes please let me know!

Picnic In The Park

One of my favourite Spring/Summer activities is having a picnic in the park - I’m not sure why I don’t do it more often. It’s definitely on the list of places I want to take the little one soon! As he’s now very fast with his crawling, I need an outfit that’s easy to get up & down in (so no cute summer dresses) and obviously a big bag for all of the snacks!

I’m loving the pyjama trend, but I don’t really like how they look on me. So, when I spotted this pair from Stradivarius I thought they were a great alternative. I’m a sucker for a graphic tee and I just thought that this one would look lush with the shorts. I received these Nike’s as a present a few years ago and they’ve become my go-to shoe - I just love them! So, obviously I had to pair them with this outfit.

Mam’s On The Town

Maybe I’m getting old beyond my ears, but I just don’t fancy a late night going out-out anymore. But maybe some day drinks with the girls and home by 9 definitely sounds like a bit of me!

I’ve been really into pink recently, so I knew that I wanted to style this adorable corset top from Boohoo when I saw it. I’ve never worn jeans this colour, but I thought they’d look fab with the top. Obviously I had to go for a pop of pink for the shoes and this stunning beaded bag to finish off the look.

Date Night

There’s something about an all black look that makes me feel sexy. To keep it interesting, I’ve mixed up the different textures throughout the outfit.

How stunning is this black lace bodysuit?! Paired with a pair of pleather trousers as they just elevate any outfit. As it’s for date night, I’ve paired it with this adorable diamante heart bag and finished off with a pair of simple black heels.

Netflix In Bed

I may not get that much time to actually want anything, but this is often how I look during the evenings (& during the day, let’s be honest…).

I’ve been really craving some pastries, so this was the only choice for pyjamas! I’m overdue some new slippers as mine are on their last legs. This shape is my favourite and these Ugg ones look soo comfy!

I’m very against socks with sandals, but I do love putting on a pair of comfy socks with my slippers to add to the cosiness and any of these would look great!

I couldn’t do a cosy look without completing it with my favourite face mask!

I hope this post gives you some inspiration as to what to wear this summer - whether you’re postpartum or not! I will also refer back to it when I’m in a bit of a style rut (which I have been constantly since having a baby).

If you’d like me to style any other pieces or for other occasions, please comment below or pop me a message on Instagram as I absolutely loved doing this one!!

Cerys x

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