Coffee With Cerys

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8 Women Who Inspire Me

I originally wrote this post over on my old blog – so it may be slightly familiar to some of you. However, I have updated it with some more amazing women who inspire me. Female empowerment and women supporting women is so important to me!

There can be so much negativity in the world, so I thought I would try and bring some positivity and amazing women to my little corner of the internet. So please enjoy.

Mam, Grandma and Aunty Laura

I have to begin by talking about the three most important women in my life. My Mam, my Gran and my Aunty (photo shows from right to left). They raised me and made me into the woman that I am today. They each showed me how important it is to show confidence in yourself, even if that’s not necessarily how you’re really feeling. They’ve each been through their individual struggles but shown the strength to not let it have a negative impact on them. They inspire me every day to be a better person and be proud of what I am doing. I can’t wait until we live closer again.


Another very important lady in my life is my Nan. Although she is no longer with us, her influence will always be with me. I continue to do everything that I can to make her proud. She will always be with me (probably asking a million questions about what I would like to eat – A cake? A sandwich? Some pea soup?). But that’s what I loved about her. She was always so caring, and I will love and miss her always. I m also quite a spiritual person and 100% believe in ghosts. So, I always feel like she is with me – especially when I’m feeling low.

My Favourite Twins – Charlotte and Rachel

I have an amazing group of friends who continue to support me on my new life in Liverpool. Specifically, my favourite twins, Charlotte and Rachel. Although we are several hours apart, I know that they are always there if I need them. They’re always excited to see me every time I come back home to Wales. So, thank you for everything girls. You both continue to show me what friendship is all about. No matter the distance, we’re still the best of friends. We’ve had eighteen years of friendship, with many more years ahead. And I love that our other halves get along too – that does help😂

Rach Markey

Rach is one of my lovely colleagues and friends at work. She is an absolute goddess and always makes everyone feel good about themselves. She is an incredibly empowering woman, is unapologetically herself and is one of my favourite people to talk to. She has definitely helped me with my confidence and self-esteem – whether she realises that or not. She is beautiful inside & out and I feel very lucky to know. Everyone needs a Rach in their life! I honestly go on and on about how amazing and inspiring Rach is, but instead I thought that I would mention some of the important things that she has said to me and promotes. Rach always talks about the importance of staying true to who you are and that you are always enough – no matter the number on the scales or anything else that is making you doubt yourself. Each and every one of us is enough and we need to learn to remember that more often! Rach, I just love you!!

I also want to say that every single woman that I work with is also amazing!! But I just wanted to give a special shout-out to Rach ❤️


Since I am trying to continue my self-confidence journey, I felt that it was important to include myself in this post. I’ve not really done anything spectacular or anything like that. But, like most people, I’ve been through some struggles. However, I haven’t let those things define me. I struggle with my anxiety every day, but I continue to push myself and encourage myself to be the best version of me. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I am constantly sharing quotes on my Stories. I know that some people find these annoying, but they help to keep me inspired. Although I have this blog; I’m not great at sharing how I feel on social media. Therefore, the quotes give me a way to express how I’m feeling.

All of these amazing women also tell me that I should love myself more, and I guess I’m just trying to listen to them.

“Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness” – Allen Ginsberg

Who in your life inspires you? Please let me know in the comments below. I was tempted to put some famous faces into this post as I do have a few that inspire me (such as Michelle Obama who I absolutely love and admire). But I thought that I would keep it to people that I actually know and hopefully this will help put a smile on their faces in this difficult time. However, I am planning to write a post dedicated to women who influence me who I don’t know. So keep an eye out for that. And everyone please say safe!!

And don’t forget to follow me on my social media too.

Cerys x

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